Implant against narcotics




Implant is a modern form of medicine which can be present in patient’s body for a long time and continuously provide the effect against narcotics.

Implant consists of naltrexone, substance which is  the opposite of heroin(antagonist)and it doesn’t  allow the patient to feel the effect of narcotics. Apart from naltrexone, the implant consists of substances responsible to control continuous release of naltrexone and to prevent rejection of implant by body tissues.


How do we use implants in the treatment of addictions?

The essence of this method is not to give the possibility  to the patient to take narcotics ” accidentally”. Implant can represent that last boundary to stop the patient from making a mistake and start using narcotics again. As it is constantly present in patient’s body, it continuously releases necessary dosage of naltrexone, substance which blocks opioid receptors. That’s why if patient takes heroin anyway, it will not work. There will be no pleasure or desire to take it again.  Even on the contrary, the use of heroin on naltrexone can be very unpleasant  and dangerous experience. Naltrexone therapy practically isolates the patient from narcotics and controls his sobriety. As naltrexone implant is present in patient’s body  a long period of time(weeks and months) that kind of blockade forces the patient to come to terms with the fact that narcotics are out of his reach and to adjust to life without narcotics.